

I talk with so many practitioners, but especially those who are in the process of taking a change of direction in their careers. They may have been working in Learning & Development for years, but when it comes to incorporating horses into their practice, I hear the same things: Do I know enough? Am I doing this right?

My heart goes out to each and every one of them; I felt like that for many years and I’ve been an occupational psychologist and L&D practitioner for 25 years. But my answer now is ‘Yes!’. Sure, we can all keep learning and developing our practice; no, we aren’t always going to get it 100% ‘right’ all the time. But when our intention is to be of service to the learners and the learning, to support humans to develop with the help of our horse companions, then we can learn together as we go, with joy and humility.

If you would like to talk about how I can support you to build your confidence as an Equine Assisted Leadership Developer, then book a call with me

Sue Binks 2 June, 2022
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