Facilitation is the 'secret sauce' when it comes to successful

Equine Facilitator
We offer an in depth appreciation of both the theory and the practice of learning with horses, and, perhaps uniquely, extensive experience of developing other developers.
What that allows us to do is translate complex ideas into everyday language, helping practitioners to deepen their knowledge, skills and confidence.
Schedule a 30 minute informal conversation with Dr Sue Binks
Horses get to the heart of someone's leadership issue within 20 mins

We offer Practitioners
A supportive community of practice where they can access information to support their own ongoing development
Programmes designed to lay solid foundations for those practitioners who want to ground their practice in the well established approaches to facilitating experiential learning
Advanced programmes for those who want to deepen and extend their knowledge
Master classes to stimulate thinking and community collaboration
Leadership in a horse herd is distributed, and the focus is on the well-being of the whole

We offer Organisations
A thorough understanding of learning design to ensure the equine assisted element is well integrated into a wider programme
Bespoke approach to meeting your learning outcomes
Highly experienced and credible facilitator with potentially sceptical leaders